フランシス・チャン著 Letters to the Church からの抜粋です。
「教会」について考えさせられる本ですので、英語の読める方で関心のある方は、ぜひ一読してみてください。アマゾンの Kindle でも購入できます。画像ファイルで「WHEN SUFFERING BECOMES STRAGE」の章を読めるようにしておきますね。下のテキストは、そのまた一部分の抜粋です。
He (a man who leads a whole network of churches in China) explained further that they had started out with five pillars to the house church movement. He began naming the pillars, and at first I was tracking with him. The first one is based on a deep, deep commitment to prayer. The second is commitment to the Word of God. It wasn't about the speaker but about everyone learning the Word of God, reading the Word of God. The third was being committed to the sharing of the gospel, so every member was sharing the gospel. These first three I felt lined up pretty well with what we were trying to do in San Francisco. The fourth was a regular expectation of miracles. Because of their prayer life, because of what they believed of the Holy Spirit, they expected the supernatural. That's something we were growing in desiring and understanding.
But then, with the fifth pillar, he completely blindsided me. He said, “The fifth pillar was we embraced suffering for the glory of Christ.” Whoa! He told me this is what they built their church on: embracing suffering. It struck me as weird then because I never would have thought of it. But the more I thought about it, the more convinced I became that they were right to include it. It is spoken of all throughout Scripture. They included suffering in the plan for their church, just as the New Testament exhorts us to. And it showed in their fruit! Their church, when they stayed true to their original DNA, produced a group of people who were on fire for Jesus, willing to go wherever and do whatever—no matter the cost.
(Letters to the Church - by Francis Chan)